James Harden Streak ends!
James Harden 30+ streak ends at 32.
James Harden held the 2nd-LONGEST 30+ streak in NBA History.
He currently plays for the team from HOUSTON = 32.
Harden = 32.
He was too injured to play vs the Warriors which would of been his 32nd game against them.
His Streak ended against the Atlanta Hawks = 32. Atlanta Hawks came into this game with 32 road games played.
Atlanta Hawks = 131 the 32nd prime number.
Atlanta Georgia = 131 the 32nd prime number.
He only scored 28 points to end his streak at 32. Rockets = 28. Hawks = 28.
James Harden's middle name is "Edward" Edward = 28.
From his last birthday to the game that ended his streak was 5 mo and 30 days. James Harden = 53.
Beard = 30
El Chapo = 30
Texas = 30
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